A well thought out and articulated position. Progressive voices that are rational and clear will be the basis for a social resurgence of the public good. Keep being that voice.. thanks Ryan.
Thanks for this excellent article. I have shared it. My quote from it "This article is from a few days ago but reasonates and is worth reading on what Canadians should be doing.
"The best kind of patriotism is the kind that says “this is my place so I will care for it and make it the best I can” rather than “this is the best place because I’m from here.” That’s the love Canadians should have for Canada."
This was a great piece and was very well-written. You also reminded me that the CBC is my most-trusted news source, bar none. And I read/watch/consume a lot of news. I've now subscribed to your Substack and look forward to more.
I appreciate, very much, your reasoned, humane view of what is going on. I think we are going to have to work very hard to prevent being destroyed as the USA destroys its' self and it seems most of Europe.
When thinking about Trump I tend to think about the musings of a mad man but being backed but the likes of Elon Musk. As I was reading a Larger Scale My wife was reading to me about Trumps proposal of removing the Palistinians from Gaza and relocating them somewhere [ not USA I'm sure] untill some later date enabling Israeli settlers to move in.
Good morning to all Thank you Ryan for caring to our beautiful Canadian country and families we have a malty cultural country and each culture produces in our children quality of character that should sustain our society money and power is a cancer that can destroy us not only here in Canada but the whole world
Thank you so much for your words. I’m so deeply troubled by the world with Trump in it that I’ve pulled back to avoid the fear and upset. Your words help me see how, together, we can work to hold on to our Canada and support the poorer nations. It makes me think of the game Red Rover. Holding hands, we block those that would separate us.
Ryan you have been missed. So few altruistic folks still showing us there is hope.
Ryan. Thank you. Appreciate this writing. Canada is an amazing nation. And we as Canadians need to be united.
O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all of us command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
𝄆 O Canada, we stand on guard for thee
Thank you, Ryan, for reminding Canada and Canadians of our values and our value. Yes, there are things we need to work on and assets we treasure.
Best wishes with your writing projects - looking forward to seeing their publications.
Great to hear your "voice" again Ryan! I've missed it.
However infrequently you may post your thoughts here for the foreseeable future, your insights are always invaluable and always much appreciated.
Keep on truckin'
A well thought out and articulated position. Progressive voices that are rational and clear will be the basis for a social resurgence of the public good. Keep being that voice.. thanks Ryan.
Canadians define themselves by who their friends are.
Canada defines itself by who its friends are.
Thanks for this excellent article. I have shared it. My quote from it "This article is from a few days ago but reasonates and is worth reading on what Canadians should be doing.
"The best kind of patriotism is the kind that says “this is my place so I will care for it and make it the best I can” rather than “this is the best place because I’m from here.” That’s the love Canadians should have for Canada."
This was a great piece and was very well-written. You also reminded me that the CBC is my most-trusted news source, bar none. And I read/watch/consume a lot of news. I've now subscribed to your Substack and look forward to more.
I appreciate, very much, your reasoned, humane view of what is going on. I think we are going to have to work very hard to prevent being destroyed as the USA destroys its' self and it seems most of Europe.
When thinking about Trump I tend to think about the musings of a mad man but being backed but the likes of Elon Musk. As I was reading a Larger Scale My wife was reading to me about Trumps proposal of removing the Palistinians from Gaza and relocating them somewhere [ not USA I'm sure] untill some later date enabling Israeli settlers to move in.
Good morning to all Thank you Ryan for caring to our beautiful Canadian country and families we have a malty cultural country and each culture produces in our children quality of character that should sustain our society money and power is a cancer that can destroy us not only here in Canada but the whole world
Thank you Ryan for so eloquently portraying what I believe about my country and the way I want to live my life.
I appreciate your efforts.
We need to stand up for our great nation and its citizen cooperation.
Bev Davis
Thank you so much for your words. I’m so deeply troubled by the world with Trump in it that I’ve pulled back to avoid the fear and upset. Your words help me see how, together, we can work to hold on to our Canada and support the poorer nations. It makes me think of the game Red Rover. Holding hands, we block those that would separate us.
The perspective of a federal election in this time, carried by the crazy pace of the news cycle, does not bode well.
Thank you for all of this. Much needed and necessary.
Always read your writings, Ryan. Always learn from them too. More please.