Sep 19, 2023Liked by Ryan Meili

I like the personal and philosophical when it helps to illustrate your concern. I have an image now of a homeless person sleeping on an examination table. Good work.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Ryan Meili

What you have described in this post is the definition of Christianity, the embodiment of Christianity. Thank you for reminding us all about what is important in life. We ARE our brothers'/sisters' keepers.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Ryan Meili

Dr. Meili. Your post is food for my soul. Thank you for all you do, your compassion, empathy and humanitarian spirit. I have your book on pre-order and I can’t wait to read the thoughts of an emotionally intelligent leader who sees reality as it is and points out where we have work to do. As much as people in Saskatchewan are tied to the earth, some seem to be lacking the true humanitarian spirit, who is driven by deep conviction, to alleviate suffering for ALL people. We are all one and ignoring the plight of those in greatest need falls directly back into our own lap. I am critical of all leaders who fail to acknowledge this truth. I hope people will listen to you and other leaders who speak this truth more closely and with an open heart. Thanks again. πŸ™πŸ»

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Another fine blog. Thank-you.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Ryan Meili

Nice post today, Ryan.

I really enjoyed your straying into the "personal and philosophical" bits.

Hope to see you there again soon.

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Dr, Meili Thank you so much as you have nailed it again. Your description of the homelessness situation applies to all communities in this country and our ability to turn a blind eye. You are excused for occasionally looking the other way-you could not maintain that lovely wide smile otherwise and you need to keep perspective in terms of self preservation. Your writings are so much appreciated because not all of us are so able to articulate the reality.

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I need a snail mail address to send a check to pay for a membership. I will not pay 4% of a bill to a foreign financial corporation.

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